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Very nice game, I can't wait to see more of this. Keep up the great work. Btw i like the Characters, i hope to see more.


I absolutely look forward to seeing how this develops. Is there a time limit for making a donation?


nope! Anytime you'd like! I appreciate the support sooo much! :D :D :D


Aaaaa I've been planning on making a game very similar to this I love it


glad youre having fun :3

Deleted 1 year ago

oi don't be a cuck

Deleted 1 year ago

83 day old reply, and you're still a cuck.


Hey, just wanted to drop in and say that I love this game so much and how lewd but adorable the character interactions are and I would love to donate on patreon and will as soon as I can. Keep up the amazing work! (Also loving the fact you added a foot themed scene because those are rare)


eee thank you!! :D :D


Game looks great and interesting, loving seeing the love Cyberpunk is getting these days.  My only question is how do you run the game?  I see the .exe and everything, but it doesn't show a thumbnail. When I double click it, it opens a list of programs to open it in.  Is there a program I need to run this or should it be working straight "out of the box"?  


thats weird, it should be working out of the box, yeah. Are you on windows?


How do you earn coupons? I'm near the end of the storyline for one of the girls, and about day 8 into the main story, and so far only earned like 100 coupons as "spare change" from the girls?


there are multiple ways to earn coupons, but i suggest you explore the map. Visiting the alleyway on Root St can earn coupons on most days. Also there are some opportunities to earn them in the Lemon, on Skipnoise Ave. Also, if you see any little drones flying around, click em a few times and you can earn some coupons


This is a nice game with really lovely art! I wanted to switch computer though and keep my progress, but I can't work out where it keeps its save file on mac, It's not in the package, so I lose it?


Just found it located @ USERNAME/.godot/app_userdata/HARDCODED/savegame.bin
".godot" is a hidden folder, so if anyone else wants to migrate saves you'll need to use a method to unhide hidden folders


Thank you so much! Also, dang it took me sooo long to figure that out lol, gj :D


Hi, first of all I love this game, however, the patreon pushing is annoying, some of us don't have the money to continously pay on there and can only pay once and since paying once on patreon, downloading all the files and then cancelling the subscription is seen as acting poorly I paid on here when I could.

I'd really appreciate it if I didn't have to click "no I don't want to go to the patreon" every time at the very least please, thank you :).


yeah thats  a bug, i totally didnt mean to make it say that every time you go to root st. it was supposed to only happen when you click on the pillory mistress after completeing the second contest mini scene, since previously it didnt do anything when you clicked on her, and people thought that was a bug. I want to push a new verison on the demo but now the game is filled with this months half-completed content and is even buggier. not sure if i should invest time into making a new demo rn or just wait 10 days and then update the demo when this month build is finished and i will have worked all the bugs out anyway.


nm i just fixed it


Thank you so much, I'm looking forward to the update and appreciate you taking the time to reply to me and being understanding in your reply, it's truly appreciated :).


as a side note I believe it's only 1$ for the base tier and you get the updates. It's pennies a day to enjoy the latest builds. that's only 12$ a year. I don't know if this tier was available last month but last I checked it's available now.


Are you able to get past day 13? I believe I am doing something wrong & I'm not sure what it is.  Also, the "Patrone Building" thing really confusing & typically I'm not sure were to go, but when I am, nothing happens. Is this still in development or no?  I personally think I'm just a bit confused & nothing is wrong the coding or game disign/development. But this is a problem I have ran into quite often, is there an update I'm not aware of? Do I have to pay to get the rest of the game? I am so sorry if you have answered all of these questions already, if you have, just let me know you & I'll go look for them. But honest, this game is amazing & I would love to see the finished product.


Thank you!!! ya so the game is currently in development, the patreon build is the current more updated version of the game. You can get it here for a pledge of $1 or more :3


i played everything that was available outside of the patreon build! i really enjoyed it, and hopefully when i'm not broke, i can play the rest of it. <3


yus im super glad you liked it :3 :3 :3


How do you decorate your room? i bought a bunch or decorations and i can't figure out how to place them.


Press the bar on the left side of the room. When you move your mouse over it the game should tell you it's a machine to automatically manage your stuff.


First of all: Great game.

Love the pixelart, love the Bladerunner style setting, love that all the characters are female X3

Only spot of bother I have is the amount of anal, which I'm not a big fan of... :x 
But that's only my personal taste/preference, nothing I'd blame the game for :3

I do have a few bugs/routes that might not work as intended to report, by the way, as well as some typos. Is there a place for that, or should I just post them here?


Thanks, I'm really glad you like it :D I think the best way to report bugs would be to either message me on twitter ( or send mail on tumblr (


I had the same problem with the slut trophy. Then when I tried fixing it the table and computer vanished and i couldn't choose them from the list of items owned.


oops, thx for reminding me! its fixed, but not in the demo yet. I'll do a new version soon.


Hey, is there any preferred channel for bug reporting? My silver slut trophy turned into a potted plant, and then became unavailable after removing it from my room.


ooh dang, i forgot about this, thank you! i fixed this but but I havnt made a new demo build since. I'll do it early next month :3


this game's aesthetic is so lovely! 


I love this game but is there any way to be the dom i feel like sometimes the robot  wants to be in charge


An update happened?! What's new?

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

From what I saw :

-They added the animation for the Main 3 (with the tentacules and stuff)

-Two gals can take a tit pic of you naked if you wish to

-You can fuck in the disco's toilets

-Generally smoother in the deplacements



Why are games like yours not listed on Itch when i try to search them?


you have to unlock 18+ content in settings of your account


Good stuff dev! Can't wait to see more of this. I shall check out your patreon too. also tysoooom for that men encounter option lmao

Deleted post



Good game, but, this game need multi-lenguage, like a spanish

(2 edits) (+1)(-2)

When I downloaded it Windows Defender said it was unsafe when I tried to start it.


Yeah, thats just cause I'm not a 'trusted developer' or something. I promise Hardcoded isn't a virus, you've just gotta get defender to allow it.


You game is awesome, i hope you continue developing that, i´m anxious for resume my story progress in game.

Seriously... i´m loving your game.

Good luck.


Oh yes, Im hard at work on development :3 If want in on some of the newer scenes, join the patreon! Otherwise, The rest of the story will be available when the game is released. Thank you so much! :D


when do you expect to release the game?

Deleted 5 years ago

So fucking yourself does cure depression.


Ah thank you so much! This is so sweet.. Im glad youre feeling better!

(1 edit) (-1)

I'm loving it so far! Keep it up!

Also...crap...looks Like I need to back you on patreon now. XD


Great and Amazing piece of Artwork, KEEP UP A GOOD a-WORK my lady !!! :P


Amazing art and a very believable, well realised world! Looking forward to the finished version.


thank you so much :3


how can i get the  patreon build ? I'm already a patreon but still cant unlock other stuff

I assume youre the same person who contacted me on twitter, but just in case






An amazing love letter to pixel puzzle games with some sexy elements thrown in ;)


Any idea when the next demo will come out? i love the game!


Thank you! I'm not planning on updating the demo regularly though, just the patreon build. We probably wont see a new demo for several months, unless someone finds a major bug with this one.


whats the difference between Demo 0007 and 00071?


Oh, sorry, I should be posting dev logs here probably. There's a few small things but mainly it's just to fix a bug in Beryl 3 where it would skip the first half of the scene.

(2 edits) (-1)

Amazing work so far.  I crave so much more. That under the table scene with ashikoki... so good.


:D Thank you! Also, nice, I just learned a new word lol


haha excellent!


this game is beautiful and well written and sexy and positive and good! Can't wait to see more! Are there any plans in the future to get one of Decima's body upgrades for HC? Like boob upgrades?


Thank you so much! There's no plan to add any body mods beyond hair, just cause it would be really difficult to make it work with how animations & clothing are handled. Hopefully we'll be able to include it in our next game :D

Deleted 4 years ago

Oh my gosh, this is so sweet! Thank you! And I appreciate your support so much :D

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