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I love women and this game has some cute ones. The art is really cool and I love the Mike Wazowski cat


Is this game still ironically transphobic and sexist? I recall trying it back in the day, and was a bit shocked at how strict it was with enforcing genital roles, and the complete lack of trans men. I recall how it enforced complete penis supremacy.

Like, ONLY characters with a penis were allowed to be dominant, imposing or be pleasured. And there were state mandated penis pleasuring servants roaming around. But, anyone with a vulva was basically second class citizen subjugated to be submissive, pathetic and to pleasure penises.

You can run into plenty of cis men and "trans" women that are completely selfish buttholes, and proudly swing their oversized penises around. But, the only cis women you can run into are all "Please... use me sir!" on the bathroom floor. Or "May we suck your penis, sir? Please! We have no other purpose!". Or have to pay for something penises get for free.

Sure: The named characters you can date are a bit more fleshed out. And does offer actual trans women as well, not just caricatures. But I still remember how aggressively it was about the gender norms. Which, felt very off considering the tone.


terminally online people when they see a porn game that doesn't represent all and every single fetish, kink, role, gender, genital and identity on a mathematically perfect equilibrium

for a more serious answer: it's a porn game. It's not a political doccumentary. Of course you will notice only certain things represented, porn games will most often only show the kinks and preferences the creator enjoys.

what's next? you're going to complain to lesbian women if the smut they create doesn't have any heterosexual sex in it?


You seem to miss the entire point of this. Speaking of terminally online~

Like, this game is nowhere as bad as Third Crisis, a game that claims to be a lesbian game, about time travelling lesbians in which you can lesbian with ALL of the companion characters except the 2-3 male ones, and the goal of the game is to find your lesbian girlfriend so you can lesbian her. And then the game has less than 4 % lesbian content, doesn't have a single interactive animated lesbian scene, (nor a planned ending scene if you complete it the "boring" way and find your gf) and the game is primarily about how to drug and rape lesbians, in order to "cure" them into being straight. In which the creators have openly mocked and spoke about how much they hate lesbians, and just want to spite them.

BUT: This game similarly is all "Look at all the GIRLS of this game! GIRL POWER, WOOO!", and then proceeds to explain in detail how women are inferior, second class citizens, and how ONLY men have access to rights in this world they built.  And assures the player that they are a WOMAN... and then goes into detail how women CANNOT do what the player and "other men" do, because: They don't have a penis. And if you don't have a dick: You're a woman, and therefore can't do certain things. Since ONLY men are superior and have more rights than women.

And as said: It goes out of its way, to include scenes where you can have sex with men, women and trans women. ONLY excluding trans men, because: Fuck em. And: It includes watersports. But ONLY men can piss on ONLY women. Women are NOT allowed to do that, because they are beneath men. Likewise: ONLY men can have imposing genitals. They go out of their way to include men with hyper dicks the size of an arm, proudly swinging them around. And people on the street fall to their knees and lavish worship upon such superior anatomy.

But as said: That doesn't apply to the women. Now, there is a chance that the devs are just... utterly clueless. But, the fact they put more effort into representing and including cis male characters in a "trans woman dating game", does have a bit of "Actions > Words". Like "I wanted to transition into a woman! So, I used science to give myself a MASSIVE COCK!". Like... no character used all this magic grade tech to... get a vulva? No? Oh, that would be "downgrading" into an inferior woman, got it. /S I can understand only specific kinks in a game. But, when it's this tone-deaf... it kinda reaches a new level. Especially when it claims to be a "trans inclusive game", the proceeds to exclude everyone that isn't an extremely specific type of trans woman, that believes in penis supremacy.

And, ironically you mention that: Since a vast majority of "lesbian" games DO have straight sex in them. Be it with animals, a "Let's have a threesome!", "Hey, I used magic or something to turn into a dude!" or "I should experiment at this gloryhole!". And I DO complain on said games having heterosexual sex in them. And people likewise: Get pissy about me being "spoiled and entitled" for expecting lesbian sex in a lesbian game.


I don't care enough about this to read that. So I'll just tell you, it's a porn game. You probably should not care about the political significance of a porn game so much that you care enough to write that. Whenever you go jerk off to something again, don't expect it to give you lessons on the cultural significance of equal trans representation and hand you a copy of the communist manifesto as a treat.


對不起,朋友,遊戲就像生活一樣 我不確定我是否能理解你想說什麼 你只是走進精神病院,大喊我沒有瘋


If this hoe talks again Imma have a problem


chronically online queers when their porn game for trans people doesnt have enough trans people (???)

(2 edits)

the irony of this very badly disguised terf... among the main characters in the game, the only human who has a vulva is VERY dominant. and joi is not in any way a 'state mandated(???????) penis pleasuring servant', though i'll leave unsaid what her actual deal is, as she's intentionally a bit mysterious at first


I just want to say this game plays to none of my kinks, and I still think it's a fantastic game and I enjoyed it a lot.

(1 edit) (+7)(-5)

Ok, this game obsessed me, being just a demo, it has a lot of content and does not disappoint in the cutinization section for the main character (I even have my HC photo here in Itchio). He also has several fetishes that you can choose to avoid if you don't like them.

I love urine scenes, yes I am a whore


Is there a possible mobile version in the future?


Now if they could get Trans GUY representation too


there kinda is if i rember corectly


I think so too

Deleted 239 days ago

Yea, I'm disappointed there's no transmen or transmasc rep. Only one I've seen is a no-name in the club bathroom with a tentacle monster. But no actual character you can converse with.


Played through the demo and thoroughly in love with this game! I found myself constantly amazed and struck by how thoughtful, detailed (and hot!) it was. Definitely will be keeping my eye out for the final release! <33

Deleted 150 days ago



A top tier game! Very fun & engaging characters and story - worldbuilding is good too. Obviously great for anyone bi or who appreciates trans women - but even if that's not what you're into i'd still recommend it on the character chemistry alone. A long list of kinks (extreme and common) are explored both tastefully and uniquely - the doll scene with Olivia was mindblowing and nothing I've ever seen before.

Artstyle is cool & cyberpunk, character designs are great. Would like more detail on the main casts' images but that's a lot to ask for.

Only real complaint is that it's pretty much mouse-only so the act of playing it is kind of annoying - wish it had better support for arrow keys and enter/spacebar and not having to click everything

Also, try out the demo but get the patreon version - it's not expensive and has tonsss of good content.



Demo goes harder than my grandma goes on a can of Planters mixed nuts(She barely has teeth). But for real it's pretty good.


the game glitched out on the barista mini game, all i could do is slide the drink cup around and nothing else

(1 edit) (+9)(-44)

"There are many dicks in this game!"

Fine by me

"Most of them are attached to girls!!!"

HOL UP.png

Edit: People love to blow their shit on a joke, don't they?


yeah its a game with gay trans women with specific kinks as the target audience.


Cry me a river


That might be a little hard. Would cumming you a river be a sufficient alternative?


*Says some unfunny shit, gets down voted for lazy unoriginal trash tier humor* "Omg ppl r 2 sensitive for my v clever humor smh my head *learns absolutely nothing, continues making the same 3 unfunny jokes and malding when nobody laughs*

Wow, you could be a Netflix comedian!


we both know this wasn't downvoted for the joke, don't play coy. Everyone knows why the comment was downvoted, if you don't think the real reason is wrong then don't hide it, say it clearly


Does the game contain spanking content?


 My only issue is the lack of visual H scenes and that of No Gallery feature. The map can be just a tad bit difficult to navigate at times, none the less the vision and story is present. gives me a Coffe Talk vibes but with Porn.  Very interesting game, Looking forward to future updates and final product. Check this game out if youre into cyberpunk and enjoy descriptive dialogue.


This is a really good demo. It's got so much more content than I was expecting. Fun story. Cute characters with lots of hot scenes. I am definitely interested in buying a full version when it's finished.


Heyyyy!!! Just wanna say that the game is lovely!! wonderful art and just the right amount of lewdness ^-^ i'm now really interested on the story lol. Hope you two doing great!


The Win file seems to be in a minor condition and cannot even be opened.

Or is my computer unable to drive?

Can you give me an answer? Or give me the driver specifications so I can confirm whether it's my problem or a file error.


Just an unbelievable wonderful game, art, story, lewdness, etc. Started playing just looking for something to enjoy myself too, and became enamored playing the game itself. Would love to see this turn into something huge, you've done such a wonderful job I would love to see more from you two in the future.


could you make a zip file for windows? This should be playable via joiplay on Android if it's in file formate


Update now available on the Patreon <3


Will there ever be android version please please please please answer me


Will there be a new demo to try it out?

(1 edit) (+5)(-2)

Via the discord

"Hey everyone! So the 0.1 update has been pushed back once again... BUT HEAR MY VOW. WITHIN 1 WEEK OF THIS DAY, THE UPDATE WILL BE IN YOUR WAITING HANDS (probably on the 7th or 8th) Its so close to being ready, but there are still a few things unfinished. As I said in the last post, I want the version I post to be capable of the full emotional impact, full narrative continuity, that the game will have from this point on. I don't want the new scenes to require multiple playthroughs as we fix and revise the main quest. Sit tight everyone, I assure u that this lil 2 gal team is in full overdrive ❤️ Thank you all for your patience!"

That was posted today!


I played for a while but got stuck on the second day. How do I actually get to one of the lesbian sex scenes?


you need to play through the individual storylines involving each girl lol


shadowrun, and amazing art style!


someday we have this in andriod? just demo


when update?


Artwork and animation design already had the game for me a high rating. I love the style choice and the animations that were added were amazing! The stories for all the characters as well as the main story were interesting and well thought out, and I liked that the character did not just have very basic characteristics. Meaning they were well-developed in their personalities, interests, etc. The ability to design my own character as well as decorate my room was so cool as an extra creative feature. I also enjoyed the use of the terminal I thought specifically that the mechanic was quite cool and enjoyed the extra content.

The bugs/small issues I had whilst playing: a computer bug and a Beryl storyline day issue. The computer issue involved me interacting with the PC and then exiting and it glitches me to the previous day or half a day sometimes if it was at night. This happened once or twice but ceased after a while. the problem I had with the Beryl storyline was after completing all of her stories (up until day four in the demo version) I also had completed Joi's 4 part story and then I got two sequences where I entered the wax club and Beryl was there with her slutty story sequence, but after the first time seeing her there I left and came back in and it played the second one. I assumed I was not supposed to see the second one yet as there was some context in the entering text that made it seem like a few days had passed. To add it also did not progress my in-game time after either occurence.

Overall an amazing work of graphic design, story, and display of amazing talent. 5 out of 5 would 100% recommend.



*how to move on from day 2


I love the game style, but I don't understand how to move on from day 


are there like cheat codes or something what is the terminal for


there sure are :D

Deleted 148 days ago
Deleted 148 days ago
Deleted 148 days ago

wen is the next free update? just want a ballpark like 2023 or 2025


this is a demo, not a "free version" like many others provide, so i assume the 12th of never


Mega Drive/Genesis port when? :p

I'm somewhat kidding, but the art design looks perfect for it!

gonna check your game out. :)


having an issue where i try to extract it and it says it can't open to archive - im not very tech savvy, i accept this could be just like a skill issue lol - has anyone else had this issue?

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago

trans? It's a trans main character?


"is there a way to turn off transness in the trans cyberpunk game?"


to yoplatz, the person who made this game. thank you! it's a very cute game with great characters. trans girls and lesbians are always a joy to see in games of all sorts.





Deleted 1 year ago

pretty sure it is too


I thought this too I can't remember how I fixed it though :c think you just need to make sure to follow the instructions on making the coffee

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