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what version is this?


This game really transported me to another world, and I love that about games.


<3 thank you! That feels like such high praise.. I also adore it when games are able to do that for me :3


Do you know if this game will ever come to android?


This game is so great! This one of the only erotica games that I've played that is respectful/inclusive of trans characters and narratives; and includes kinky scenes while not being fetishistic. Plus, beautifully made pixel art and animations!!

One question- based off of seeing him in some of the promo material alongside the other main characters, is Bru going to have a storyline? I assume he's a trans guy and I'd love to have some sexy content for him.


Wow I love this so much! Definitely buying it when it comes out!! I did not expect the world building to be so deep. I haven't finished the demo but I am especially enjoying Joi's storyline and learning about her robot community. I love how it plays in a little window, gives it a vibe like a super-intricate polly pocket! I am also impressed by the way the game makes you unlock new content/game features at what seems like just the right pace to keep things interesting.

I am curious, is Peach from the coffee shop the manager or someone else we meet eventually?


Thank you, Friend. Your review was spot on!'


Oh my gosh thank you I love that too!! I think little windows are really adorable but I think this is the first time I've ever been complimented about it :3 But yeah, Peach isn't the manager, peach doesn't currently have any role in the game but their barista job. I should probly give them at least a little more context aha


I wish this has frottage scenes!

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

it does, but it might be only in the patreon version


I absolutely love what's done so far! I think I played for a good two weeks straight just to finish all that was available for the demo. to be completely honest, I probably missed a few things but I finished off what's available for all the story lines so I can rest now haha-

I absolutely love the art. I got a really good taste for the world within the first few minutes and really enjoyed the long hours I spent and lack of sleep I got playing this game. I really did find myself craving for more. I didn't expect the story to genuinely be so engaging for me. 

Fantastic job and I can't wait for the full release.


My experience feels about the same!~ I am still working on getting everything done, but this is only my first day playing, and I love it to no end! Not to mention all the scenes are crafted so beautifully, and so erotically... Many, many nights can be spent masturbating to this alone.


the ost is amazing! other than the cute and sexy characters and the beautiful art, the music is my favorite thing in this game 


Does anyone know where the save files are located? I plan on doing a fresh install for my computer and don't want to lose all my progress


Is it possible to change the MC's genitals? (I'm sorry for asking such a direct question.) Anyway, I am loving this game so far! Very cool atmosphere and characters.


It isn't, unfortunately. I'm glad you're like the rest of the game though! Thank you :3


This game looks so retro cool, I really like it! 


Hey did a video where I mention the game, I hope more people get to know the game

any idea of a time frame for an official release because the game clearly has a lot of promise and i want to know when i can have a complete experienc?


Having trouble connecting to your patreon. Can I have a manual link?


Can you download this on a phone or no?


Nope, sorry


This is a shame, I'd really like it for Android. 


This would be an instant buy for me, if i knew Joi gets more loving attention


She absolutely does in the patreon version :3


i have to be a patreon to download the full game? Answer me pls !


The art and writing in this game is just so, so cool. I really like the characters and how they're written; I feel that a stereotype of porn games is that they're shallow or lack story, and while frankly that's fine by me, I'm also loving the ones like this that have a story and are unashamed to make it sex-focused. 

By the way, is Forcier (I think I'm remembering their name right, if not, I mean the 6'9" person with prosthetic legs) going to be romanceable? I had men turned off as an option, but Forcier appeared to be NB, so either they're set as a "man" or just aren't an option. 

(1 edit) (+4)(-1)

I havn't written Forciers scenes yet, but theyre totally gonna be romanceable. Also, thanks so much! Im so glad ya like it!


I was interested in the difference's between patreon and the demo please?


Well, the demo is a demo.
The Patreon version receives regular updates.


Cheers, I went through the demo and going through the patroen build atm

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

I couldn't wait to back this. The official release can't come soon enough!


thx thx, i totally agree :3


Good stuff. Some issues but overall the demo is fun and promising. I look forward to all sex scenes added (hopefully with noise and voice ^_^)


How do I buy the game without becoming a Patron? 


It wont be available for purchase until its officially released.


do you have an idea of a time frame? I like it, I think its pretty kool


I love everything about this game, but I have no braincell disease and cant figure out how to use furniture i bought ahahsdcjahj


O sorry, i didnt notice this till just now! Theres a button in your apartment below the 'back' arrow button. I made it more noticeable in the patreon version, but I still havnt gone back and fixed it in the demo, so my bad!


I really love this game, give it a try!


Are there plans for futaxfuta frottage scenes? 


How do i execute the game in linux?


you'll want to open a terminal and run "chmod +x HARDCODED_demo"

if you use Nautilus or Thunar as a file manager,you'll right click, go to "properties", "permissions", then check the box "mark this program as executable", or similar.

from there, in a terminal you just (while in that folder) do "./HARDCODED_demo", and in a file manager you double click it.




so, has this game been updated since December 21st 2018 for your patreons? not ribbing you or anything, but on that was the last update we have access to.


yeah its been getting consistent updates, alot of new content and the patreon tier to unlock full access is only $1



I have a bug report though.When come to the main scene, the top menu remains as below:

Looking forward for the final version soon.


I fixed this in the patreon version, i just for forgot to update the demo lmaooo also thank you!!! :D


I just got to the 3rd part of the main story, and I have to say that the writing in this game is amazing. This is the first time in a while that I've genuinely disliked a character, and I think that's a testament to how great the writing is. Not a lot of stories are able to make their "antagonistic" characters actually evoke that feeling of dislike in me. I can't wait to see the full version of this game, keep up the awesome work.


thank you so much!! :D


i can not WAIT to play the full game! so good!!


:3 :3 thx!

(1 edit) (+6)(-1)

I really enjoyed playing through the demo and will probably end up supporting the game when I have enough money.
I can't wait to see more of this game. ♥

Also ended up customizing HC in a photo editor to make her look more like me.


Adorable!!! Thats so cool!! :D


I was wondering something: is there a reason going nude isn't an option in the clothing area? It hardly seems like it would be out of the ordinary in the setting you've created.


I don't mean to sound petty and rude but; do you have any plans to update the demo, or releasing a public, non-Patreon version in the near future? Sorry, I stubbornly prefer the "one and done" method of paying.


we don't have an official release data yet



(1 edit) (+10)(-4)


Thanks for making a game about trans ppl - I'm non-binary but always questioning whether I'm maybe a woman and this has made me think more about it.

Secondly - I'm starting to make games of my own and realised your game is made in Godot, which is the engine I've been learning too! Do you like Godot, do you ever feel limited, do you have a lot of game-making experience, etc.?

Much love


Hey! I'm super glad you like the game :D Most of my game dev experience is in Godot, and I absolutely love it. I learned to program and stuff in this engine, and compared to like, unity or unreal, Ive found it to be an extremely good learning environment. It's structure follows a logic that feels very universal and easy to internalize. I've never felt limited by the engine at all (just by my own skills lol) Good luck w your game!!


None binary is not a real thing that would be like me saying my sexual orientation is Optimus prime you only sex choices are male or female their are no magical third choice it not like you can live nothing when it comes to a government forum


Literally playing a game by a trans person about trans people and being transphobic, ur a clown


This cis thinks this game is art in motion. Gotta learn to appreciate everything is beautiful. Not like the clown above. 


Just bought the patreon version and I'm impressed as expected. Keep up the good work and I look forward to donating more in the future ;)


thanks so much!!


Will there be an android version


I'm gonna see about porting it once the game is done


just bought this, looks amazing, thank you for making it!


:3 thanks!!!!!!!

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